The Global Warming Planet site is a news content aggregator, and we are not responsible nor do we endorse any news agencies or organizations represented here. We gather the news feeds (RSS Feeds) from various agencies as they publish them, and simply display it as provided without any alteration.
We do not hold the information presented by RSS Feeds to be accurate, but we do choose news organizations that we feel are both trustworthy and news worthy. Occasionally articles may have addendums or corrections, but we do not provide that information on this site. However, any corrections or updates are presumed to be available on the provider's web site.
While we strive to present RSS Feeds related to the various topics of Climate Change and Global Warming, this site is fully automated. Our software code automatically gathers feeds from hundreds of sources worldwide, and applies custom algorithms to filter articles from the myriad of articles being published hourly. Occasionally an unrelated article makes it through our filters. We are continually adjusting our algorithms to bring you the most appropriate content on a highly involved subject.
Occasionally the wrong image, or a seemingly unrelated image is presented with a feed article summary. While every effort is made to provide the most appropriate images, sometimes an image may be unrelated (or missing entirely).
Occasionally we write our own articles and will indicate them as our own content. While we make every effort to be as factual as possible, and represent the data as clearly as possible, in this case, we do encourage positive feedback. This helps us improve our content for everyone.
The Global Warming Planet website does not make any claim to the appropriateness of any information or data presented here to your specific needs or usage.